Hello loves, how are you doing? Today I bring you 20 facts about me!
Lets just get into it?
I have really fast metabolism - which means, I don't put up weigh easily. Still figuring out if its a bad thing or not!
I hate mess. - I just love organization!
I really hate studying. - I have good grades, but I really hate studying, I get so bored!
I procastinate A LOT. - I will look at my bedroom wall if I need to. Or look at a fly. Or a pencil. I'm the worst.
I'm very "homey". - I really enjoy doing house chores, cooking, baking... I just love it!
I'm SO energetic! - I annoy my friends sometimes, I'm a very happy, bubbly and energetic girl, since I was a baby!
I CAN'T deal with stress/pressure. - I just freeze. If you fall, don't expect me to act. I just freeze, my brain freezes, I stop earing, I see everything in slow motion. It gets on my nerves so much!
My dream job is to be a makeup artist. - I really enjoy makeup, I love to put makeup on other people, trying new products, makeup is the love of my life.

I have a dog! She's almost 2 years old and her name is Nala (yes, Lion King reference haha). She's the sweetest dog, she's crazy but so kind. She loves her walks and her toys, she loves running... But also she really enjoys cuddling (she's so spoiled haha, my bad!), but she's so good. She bonded with me instantly and I really love her. She's also very protective (over everybody really) and hates violence! (she's sleeping next to me while i'm typing haha)
I'm really stuborn. - when I want something, I must get it! (not in a mean way) but I'll fight for it, for sure!
I have ashtma. - It really anoys me, but there is nothing I can do about it! (beside taking my everyday medication)
I hate bees. - they're cute in pictures and all of that, but if I see one, I'm out of here! (I really like honey tho haha)
I love reading. - I just love a good book, holding a book is the best feeling ever.
I'm not single. - I've been dating a really handsome guy for one year and a half now. He's just the best.
I'm the "easy going" type. - I'm not that shy, I love meeting new people and making friends!
I'm very comfortable with public speaking. - I just love to talk and express myself, my friends say I'm good at it too!
My favourite food is Pizza. - Pizza is my valentine, pizza is everything I need in my life!
I really hate cod. - I'm not the biggest fish fan, but I just can't handle cod.
I love summer! - Who doesn't, really? I'm all about the beach, wet hair and hot, sunny days!
I'm a late-night-king-of-person.- (as I'm typing is currently 1am.......) I love late night snacks, phone calls, everything at night just seems so magical!
Here you go, 20 facts about me! Hope you enjoyed them, and it made you know me a little bit better!
Have a nice day!
Inês xx