Lets just get into it?
1. I have really fast metabolism - which means, I don't put up weigh easily. Still figuring out if its a bad thing or not!
2. I hate mess. - I just love organization!
3. I really hate studying. - I have good grades, but I really hate studying, I get so bored!
4. I procastinate A LOT. - I will look at my bedroom wall if I need to. Or look at a fly. Or a pencil. I'm the worst.
5. I'm very "homey". - I really enjoy doing house chores, cooking, baking... I just love it!
6. I'm SO energetic! - I annoy my friends sometimes, I'm a very happy, bubbly and energetic girl, since I was a baby!
7. I CAN'T deal with stress/pressure. - I just freeze. If you fall, don't expect me to act. I just freeze, my brain freezes, I stop earing, I see everything in slow motion. It gets on my nerves so much!
8. My dream job is to be a makeup artist. - I really enjoy makeup, I love to put makeup on other people, trying new products, makeup is the love of my life.

10. I'm really stuborn. - when I want something, I must get it! (not in a mean way) but I'll fight for it, for sure!
11. I have ashtma. - It really anoys me, but there is nothing I can do about it! (beside taking my everyday medication)
12. I hate bees. - they're cute in pictures and all of that, but if I see one, I'm out of here! (I really like honey tho haha)
13. I love reading. - I just love a good book, holding a book is the best feeling ever.
14. I'm not single. - I've been dating a really handsome guy for one year and a half now. He's just the best.
15. I'm the "easy going" type. - I'm not that shy, I love meeting new people and making friends!
16. I'm very comfortable with public speaking. - I just love to talk and express myself, my friends say I'm good at it too!
17. My favourite food is Pizza. - Pizza is my valentine, pizza is everything I need in my life!
18. I really hate cod. - I'm not the biggest fish fan, but I just can't handle cod.
19. I love summer! - Who doesn't, really? I'm all about the beach, wet hair and hot, sunny days!
20. I'm a late-night-king-of-person.- (as I'm typing is currently 1am.......) I love late night snacks, phone calls, everything at night just seems so magical!
Here you go, 20 facts about me! Hope you enjoyed them, and it made you know me a little bit better!
Have a nice day!
Inês xx
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